Last week Ash Wednesday marked the beginning of Lent, at time for reflection, a time for feeling the heartache in absence and recognizing the fullness in presence.
This week I started working for the Women's Fund of the Blue Ridge. This week I went to work excited and happy to be there. This week I went to work at the restaurant and it was a little bit easier. This week I went to see my friend Joy Blair play at the Down Home in Johnson City and I witnessed one of my best friends shine with courage and grace. This week I was eternally grateful for the strong women in my life. This week I went to work on Valentines Day. This week I was humbled by the kindness of others. This week I was incredibly tired. This week I was everything all at once. This week rolled right into the next... Below you can hear my amazing friend sing her song "Half a Man" and see pictures from her show. This week I went to the 7th Annual Appalachian Fiddlers Convention. I competed in the folksong competition and chipped away a little bit of that overwhelming fear of playing/singing in front of others. And as always, I find such warmth in the company and music at this event. This week's post is for my little joy birds. Little brothers of mine, you bring so much light into my life.